A Closer Look at Why Modern Appliances Don’t Last as Long


The landscape of large and small home appliances has significantly transformed over time. Present-day appliances are increasingly failing to match the robustness and longevity of their earlier counterparts in an age marked by rapid technological advancements and ever-evolving consumer demands. The biggest question most homeowners have is, why don’t appliances last as long as they used to? 

There are a few reasons why your old fridge lasted decades while your new one is on the fritz far sooner. 

The Materials Used to Make Modern Appliances 

One crucial factor contributing to the shorter lifespan of modern appliances is the choice of materials used during their manufacturing process. In the past, appliances were built with robust components, often made of metal, which ensured their durability. However, manufacturers have increasingly opted for lighter and cheaper materials like plastic. While plastic offers cost advantages and simplifies shipping, it falls short regarding durability and resistance to wear and tear. As a result, modern appliances can be more vulnerable compared to older counterparts. 

The Complexity of Modern Appliances 

Modern appliances are designed to offer a wide range of features and functionalities, providing convenience and efficiency to users. However, this increased complexity comes at a cost; the more parts and features an appliance has, the more potential points of failure it possesses. Each additional component adds complexity to the overall system, increasing the likelihood of malfunctions or breakdowns. 

With advanced electronic controls replacing mechanical ones, there is a higher reliance on delicate circuitry and sensitive sensors. These components can be more prone to failure due to their intricate nature. Furthermore, the tighter tolerances and closer fittings in modern appliances result in a greater need for precision maintenance, making them more susceptible to damage if not properly cared for. 

A Lack of Standardized Testing 

Appliance lifespan lacks a comprehensive standard or rule to govern it. This absence of rigorous testing makes it challenging for consumers to assess the durability of various appliance models and brands. Consequently, manufacturers prioritize short-term profits at the expense of long-term quality since they face no accountability for the lifespan of their products. 

Decreased Competition in the Appliance Market 

There has been a consolidation of major appliance manufacturers, resulting in less competition in the market. With fewer players, manufacturers can keep prices high, control parts availability, and maintain lower quality standards. The reduced competition creates an environment where companies have less incentive to produce durable appliances, reducing the lifespan of modern appliances. 

Cost-cutting Measures 

To reduce production costs, manufacturers often outsource the manufacturing of individual components to low-cost third-party suppliers. However, this outsourcing practice can result in poor quality control and the use of cheaper materials. These cost-cutting measures compromise the overall durability and longevity of modern appliances. 

Planned Obsolescence 

Planned obsolescence refers to deliberately designing products with flaws or limited lifespans. This incentivizes consumers to purchase replacements more frequently. While it’s challenging to prove subjective claims of planned obsolescence, there are instances where design choices and repair limitations raise concerns. 

For example, some modern appliances feature intentionally difficult or expensive components to repair or replace. By making appliance repair more complicated or requiring specialized tools, manufacturers discourage consumers from trying to fix the appliance themselves. Instead, the emphasis is placed on purchasing a new appliance, generating more sales for the manufacturer. 

Shifting Consumer Expectations 

Another factor influencing the shortened lifespan of modern appliances is consumers’ shifting expectations. As appliances have become more affordable, consumers tend to view them as disposable items rather than long-term investments. This change in mindset has led to a decline in demand for durable appliances, enabling manufacturers to prioritize cost-efficiency over longevity in their production processes. 

Why Home Warranties Matter 

No matter the primary reason, appliances simply aren’t lasting as long as they used to, and the breakdowns are now resulting in repairs that are more expensive than ever. What used to last decades only now last 10 years. What could once be repaired by a homeowner using a $10 part they found at the hardware store now requires a certified technician, who often charges hundreds of dollars for the repair. At times, it’s simply easier and more cost effective to just replace the appliance rather than repairing it. 

None of this matter with a home protection plan from Everything Breaks. Whatever the cost of the repair, regardless if the appliance needs to be repaired or replaced, we’ll pay for the cost. Our home protection plans give you the flexibility to choose which appliances you cover and so much more. With home plans that even cover all your electronics, you can get nearly everything in your home covered for one low price! We’re here to help you fight back against appliances that don’t last. Call us today at 800-895-0842 to discuss your options. 

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