Are Electronics Protection Plans Worth It?

are electronics plans worth it

It’s always a bad day when something you own breaks. The cost of repairs or replacement are not always low, and not everyone has the money readily available to purchase something as expensive as a brand-new phone, TV, or many other types of electronics. That’s why electronic protection plans exist. They help you cover the things you use most, protecting your devices (and your wallet) from unexpected repair bills. 

And they do it for an affordable rate. 

Since there is a monthly fee, this presents a very familiar question: is paying for an electronics protection plan worth it in the long run? While the extended warranties offered by manufacturers can often be expensive (and not cover everything), there are protection plans (like those from Everything Breaks) that are very much worth the investment for many reasons. 

They Cover All Your Devices 

When you purchase an extended warranty from the manufacturer, it only covers the device in which the warranty was purchased for. When you purchase an electronics coverage plan from Everything Breaks, it covers an unlimited number of devices of your choosing. This includes everything from smartphones to laptops, tablets, PCs and peripherals, home theaters, cameras, and so much more. 

One plan covers virtually everything you own for an affordable price. 

Stuff Isn’t Built Like It Used to Be 

The electronics your parents bought decades ago were built to last, which is why so much of it is still around today. The sad reality is that TVs, stereo equipment, and plenty of other electronics just aren’t built like they used to be. This is partially a good thing because, as the price of manufacturing these items has dropped, so have the retail prices, but that also means the devices can break more easily. Instead of purchasing a new phone or other electronic devices when one of the components fails, it’s better to have it repaired. New phones and other devices can still cost $1,000 or more, and repair bills can be hundreds of dollars, so don’t be left on the hook for the bill when your device breaks! 

Contracts Shouldn’t Lock You In 

When you purchase an extended warranty from a manufacturer, you are locking yourself into a contract that you must pay for in full before your coverage even begins. You are normally locked in for anywhere between 3-5 years, meaning you don’t get to choose how long you have coverage for.  

When you purchase a protection plan from Everything Breaks, you can pay as you go on a month-to-month basis with no long-term contract to lock you in. Have things changed in your life? Do you no longer need coverage? Simply get in touch with us to cancel. You can then begin your coverage again anytime down the line. 

It Really is Worth It 

Given enough time, everything breaks. Electronics are used often, and many are taken with us wherever we go. Not many things you own are exposed to damage more than your personal devices (especially your phone!). A protection plan is something everyone should have, so long as you choose the right provider. To learn more about the industry-leading electronics protection plans from Everything Breaks, get in touch with us today. 

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